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The multi-partner venture studio.

Delta Studio is an evolution of the venture studio model, dedicated to sparking one-of-a-kind founding setups.
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About Delta Studio
We match high-potential founders with accomplished angels.
Delta Studio operates on the belief that high-impact ventures are born from powerful founding situations. We concentrate on precision matching high-potential founding teams with accomplished operator-angels, known as Delta Partners, sparking these historically rare yet powerful founding situations.
Venn diagram that shows an overlap between high-potential founders and operator-angels
Delta Partners
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Julian Teicke

Founder & CEO
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Fabi Wesemann

Co-founder & CFO
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Dawa Phillips

Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Sybil Lau

Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Sergi Banos

Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

David Padilla

Co-founder & CEO
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Louis Buys

Founder & CEO
The Delta
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Samir El-Alam

Co-founder & CEO
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Alex Matthews

Co-founder & CPO
The Delta
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Nicklas Teicke

Founder & COO
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Patrick Hennig

Co-founder & CEO
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

John Shewell

Director, Global Communications & Public Affairs
Julian Teicke Delta Studio Partner

Steffi Kromer

Frequently asked questions
How can I get into Delta Studio?
There is no standard application process. The primary route into Delta Studio is a referral from within The Delta ecosystem. Initial qualification and Partner sponsorship are also essential pre-requisites.
What are the initial founder qualifying criteria?
The initial founder qualifying criteria for our program includes several key factors.

Firstly, we prioritise founders located in the European Union. We also look for experienced founders who have previous successes or failures, such as raising funding, achieving an exit or acquisition, or demonstrating notable traction. We value founders who possess a true unfair advantage, which could be in the form of deep domain expertise or unique customer access. Additionally, we require a complete founding team, including a technical co-founder, although this doesn't necessarily have to be a developer. While these criteria serve as our general guidelines, we understand that exceptional cases may arise where exceptions can be made.

We rarely work with first-time founders, barring some extraordinary cases where other advantages can offset inexperience and a Partner is willing to invest heavily in mentorship.
What is the initial venture opportunity qualifying criteria (if applicable)?
The initial venture opportunity qualifying criteria, if applicable, encompass several important aspects. Firstly, we look for ventures that are deeply personal to the founders, driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to prove themselves. We seek market-defining visions accompanied by well-thought-out masterplans. Some level of early validation, including market and venture capital signals, is also desirable. Furthermore, we prioritise opportunities that have the potential to target theoretically infinite markets or monopolise a specific niche. Real defensibility, stemming from the founder's unfair advantage rather than a temporary unique selling point, is another crucial factor. Finally, we value ventures that are asset-light, require minimal research and development, and have the potential for rapid commercialisation.
Do you give cash investments to Studio ventures?
While there are no guarantees that a venture will receive a cash investment from either Delta Studio or a sponsoring Partner, this may change in the future. At Delta Studio, we recognise that unfair advantage can take various forms, and the financial contribution is often the least significant aspect that our Partners bring to the table. As founding partners rather than pre-seed investors, our focus lies on providing initial investments and non-monetary support that are unpriced for fixed equity ranges. We typically operate in the sweet spot of ventures that are pre-product, pre-revenue, pre-investment, and pre-valuation. We aim to avoid complex cap tables and speculative valuations in our partnership approach.
How is Delta Studio different from incubators or accelerators?
We are not an incubator, accelerator, or high-volume venture- building program. We prioritise a high-touch, low-volume model, providing lifetime support and access to our extensive ecosystem. We do not operate in cohorts or adhere to standard terms, fixed tickets, or generic programs. Instead, we take an opportunistic and flexible approach, treating each venture uniquely based on its specific needs, stage of development, and the capabilities of our Partners. We believe in tailoring our support to maximise the potential for success in a way that is unmatched by traditional models.
the Delta ecosystem pillars
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Delta Studio forms part of The Delta, a venture ecosystem that supports ventures across critical stages of growth.
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